Side-Oats Grama is native to a large part of the Ridge and Valley region where it occurs infrequently in dry rocky woodlands and barrens. It may be locally common in favorable habitats. Foliage is blue-green and flowers are tannish purple. It is very drought tolerant. Petite, clump-forming warm season native grass. Looks best when interplanted with short wildflowers. The common name "sideoats" refers to the characteristic growth pattern of the seeds, which dangle from one side of each stem.
Sow seed when soil temperatures have warmed to about 70 degrees. May self-seed.
Bouteloua curtipendula, Sideoats Grama Grass
Height: 1.5'-2.5'. Spread: 1.5'-2.5'. Tan-purple flowers midsummer to fall. Average to dry soil.