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Eastern Redcedar is an evergreen tree with scale-like, closely oppressed, glandular leaves. The bark is red-brown in color, exfoliating in long, fibrous strips, often ashy gray where exposed. Small, light blue-green clusters of flowers mature in late winter or early spring. The tree produces a nearly spherical blue fruit that matures in the fall on female trees.

The heartwood is light brown and aromatic, contrasted by the white sapwood, and is commonly used for cedar chests.  The wood is also often used to make fence posts and rails as it is naturally rot-resistant.  It also repels insects, lending to its appeal for use in clothing storage and pet bedding.

Eastern Redcedar is easily grown in average, dry to moist, well-drained soils in full sun, and will tolerate a wide range of soils and growing conditions, from swamps to dry rocky glades.  It has the best drought resistance of any conifer native to the eastern U.S.

Juniper virginiana, Eastern Red Cedar, Virginia Red Cedar - Large

  • Height: 60'. Doiecious. Male pollen cones. Female seed cones ripen to blue "berries" in fall. Prefers sun to part shade. Deer resistant. Host plant. Native plant. Attractive to pollinators.

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