Asters are keystone species in Virginia and the aromatic aster fulfills many niches because of its value to wildlife and fall beauty, allowing it to serve as a substitute for chrysanthemum. The bluish purple daisy-like flowers top a bushy perennial that thrives in full sun and calcareus well-drained soils. It is sometimes considered aggressive in a formal garden, spreading by self-seeding and stolons, but can be easily controlled. New or young plants benefit from deer protection, but once established it is unnecessary. This year's seed was harvested from a dwarf cultivar 'October Skies,' but seed may produce the straight species.
Direct sow, barely covering seed that will germinate in warm soil. Also a good candidate for winter sowing technique but stratification not required.
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium, 'Aromatic Aster'
Height: 2-3', Spread: 2-3'. Bluish-purple blooms September to frost. Sun. Well-drained soil.